Saturday, September 11, 2010

First week

It's been a busy first week of grad school for me and work for Laura. So far, our schedules line up pretty well -- Laura starts work at 8:30 so she drops me off at school around 8am. She then picks me up after her shift, usually around 5 or 6 in the evening.

There were several orientation events for school; lots of instruction on how to be a TA as well. I didn't meet many new graduate students in astronomy until Friday (the Physics Department Orientation day) but I did meet some other people (English MAs, and a Biology student from UBC too). There was a boat cruise/tour of the harbour and islands on the first night which ended in an impressive thunderstorm. I also won a free Queen's t-shirt that day. Now that almost all of the administrative things are finished (e.g. I have my student card so I can take the bus), I am looking forward to starting classes next week. So far, I've been mostly reading papers and meeting people in the department.

Laura is learning things fast at her new job in the mall.

Overall, we are adjusting to "real life" in Kingston well. The weather has definitely cooled down a lot.

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