Friday, July 9, 2010

DRAO, Osoyoos, Mini Golf

Day 3 -- Penticton, BC

Google Earth measurements (straight line between locations)
Distance from Vancouver: 255 km
Distance from Kingston: 3285 km

Today we visited the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, which is about 20 km south of Penticton. We parked outside and walked in because the telescopes are very sensitive to radio interference. Only self-guided tours were available on weekdays -- at each telescope there was a button that we could press to hear a recording. Unfortunately, the recordings were really boring even for me!

 We did not encounter any wild rattlesnakes (or Ekans*) in the tall grass.
*a pokemon

Eigensaur considers the 26-m telescope puny!

Since we were already south of Penticton to visit DRAO and we already had a packed lunch, we decided to keep on driving to see the Southern Okanagan region. We drove all the way to Osoyoos, near the US border, and had a picnic by the beach. On the way back, we visited two big wineries: Inniskillin and Jackson-Triggs, and brought our total wine count to 7 bottles (3 of which are dessert wines).

A view along Highway 97S between Penticton and Osoyoos.

We also played a round of mini golf. The weather has been really warm here, reaching the mid-30s! We heard it is pretty hot in Vancouver too. Tomorrow is our last day in Penticton and we hope to get to the beach since it will be the hottest day yet, but there is a chance of thundershowers!

The Mini-Golf is run out of a boat at "Loco Landing". We did not
go into the "Fun Zone" though we still had lots of fun.

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