Thursday, July 15, 2010

A more relaxed day!

Day 9 -- Calgary, AB

Google Earth measurements (straight line between locations)
Distance from Vancouver: 673 km
Distance from Kingston: 2887 km

Today, the weather was much nicer! We did laundry in our hotel room and went fridge magnet hunting. We found a couple good ones at a nearby mall dollar store. Afterwards, we met up with Laura's cousin Will, Paula and their 3 year old daughter Eva. Her favourite colour used to be green but now it's red, except for the moment where she said she liked purple but then remembered that her favourite colour is actually red.

Will drove us around Calgary and gave us a tour then we all had dinner. Laura and I had very large bison burgers which were delicious! Finally, we ended the day with a quick swim in our hotel's pool.

It was good that we relaxed today since tomorrow we are going to make the long drive from Calgary to Regina!

The path we have taken so far. We've driven 1699 km. Click on the image for a larger view!

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