Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Vacation mode

Day 1 -- Penticton, BC

Google Earth measurements (straight line between locations)
Distance from Vancouver: 255 km
Distance from Kingston: 3285 km

Eigensaur gets ready for the drive!

A wind tunnel on Highway 5 (Coquihalla). Bears are on the highway!

Clouds in the distance driving down Highway 97C from Merritt to Westbank.

We are in Penticton, BC today after a relatively short drive. We meant to take a vacation to Penticton one more time before moving but once we decided to drive across Canada, we figured it was best to make the vacation part of the trip. After arriving, we took a dip in the cold but very refreshing lake, got groceries, and cooked dinner (the place we are staying at has a kitchen).

Time to enjoy the wineries and beaches of Penticton!

1 comment:

  1. Phew. I just caught up on the blog. That was a lot of reading.

    This is most excellent, man. 2 blogs in and we're already talking random walks and eigensaurs. Please PLEASE continue to do this after you finish the trip, just like what Joe did (since this is at BlogSpot, I can only assume that your fate will be the same as Joe's - prepare to move to Wordpress in a year or two's time after you get blog-blocked by Blogspot). After all, I'm sure Queens will also be super fun adventure times.

    I think I'll do one of these when I get to CalTech.

    Anyways, that's it for now. Have fun at Penticton! Say hello to Laura for me!
