Saturday, July 31, 2010

Final night of "trip"!

Day 26 -- Kingston, ON

Today we shopped for the last few things we will need to clean up our apartment tomorrow, including a vacuum cleaner on sale from Wal-Mart. We also found a nice wall clock for only $3! We priced out some more sofas and phone/internet/TV plans. In the end, we decided to not get a home phone and use our cell phones instead. It would be cheaper to add long distance minutes to our phone plans than to purchase a home phone plan with long distance, caller ID, etc. We figured out which internet/TV package we want but we won't worry about setting that up until we are more settled in.

We also looked at IKEA items online. We tried finding some furniture on craigslist but Kingston is pretty small, so there are only 1-2 listings per day (and 8 listings for all of July under "free"). Also, now that we don't have a car, it would be hard to go pick things up! From the online IKEA catalogue, we should be able to get our items quickly when we get to an IKEA store!

Tomorrow, my supervisor has generously agreed to help us move our things from our hotel to our apartment (only a few minutes away) so we won't have to worry about not having a car. Thanks Martin! We have a big day of cleaning and unpacking ahead of us! Also, we may be very sad to be without Internet (unless someone left their network open!).

This would officially be the last entry of this trip though!

The path that we took. Click for larger view!

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