Thursday, August 7, 2014

London Day 6: August 7, 2014

Today was our last full day in London! First, we went to Kensington Palace, the historic homes of the royal family and we learned about the monarchs of the 1600s-1800s but there was also an interesting modern display of recent royal gowns (Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret and Princess Diana). Laura is sad to report that no wedding dresses were on display. The Palace grounds also contains current homes of extended members of the Royal family (including Laura's favourite Kate Middleton).

 Historic Kensington Palace

Then, we had a sushi takeaway lunch at "Wasabi" which was not bad for a fast food sushi place. We visited Westminster Abbey after lunch, which was really cool. We saw tombs and markers for tons of interesting people like Issac Newton, various Kings and Queens, and Chaucer. Edmond Halley also had a marker that was shaped like a comet! Laura's favourite was Mary, Queen of Scots, who was on the opposite side of her rival, Queen Elizabeth I.

We then visited the outside of the re-creation of Globe Theatre as well as the site of the original theatre (they found some foundations a couple of decades ago), which was a few blocks away. This began the second half of our day, which turned out to be dedicated to round objects.

 The New Globe Theatre

 Markers for the original Globe Theatre

Then, we took a break and had dinner. Continuing our round object theme, we also visited Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus. Then, we took a ride on the London Eye just around sunset and got very nice views of London. This was a good way to end our trip!

Tomorrow, we fly home!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

London Day 5: August 6, 2014

Today, we got up early to get to "Platform 9 3/4" at King's Cross. We arrived around 8:30am so there was only a very short line and we got our pictures taken :) You can choose the scarf for your house affiliation and we were the first two Hufflepuffs of the day! It sounds like very few people wear the Hufflepuff or Slytherin scarves :P Everyone is a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw! The staff at the nearby Platform 9 3/4 will help make it appear as if your scarf is flowing and they will take a picture for you to purchase as well as help you take your own for free.

Then we met up with James again, who traveled from Burnham-on-Crouch to spend a day in London with us. We first went to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich which was really cool. We took a picture on a labeled part of the Prime Meridian, which was cool, even though we crossed it several times just to get to the Observatory!

 Thanks to James for the photo!

Next, we had lunch at a fake French cafe and visited the Tower of London. It was extremely crowded so it was hard to see very many things. I learned some things about British money and we saw the legendary ravens! The legend is that if the ravens leave, the Tower would fall and London with it. The ravens' wings are clipped and they are sometimes caged though :( We also thought the Tower of London was just a tower! But it turns out to be a whole fort, silly us. 

We then walked across the Tower Bridge before heading to the British Museum just before it closed to see the Rosetta Stone and other cool things like a bunch of mummies and a statute from Easter Island.

It was very fun to adventure around London with James! Thank you James. We parted ways before dinner so James could get back to Burnham-on-Crouch. Laura and I tried a Northern Indian place closer to where we were staying and it was very good. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

London Day 4: August 5, 2014

Henry is feeling better and can contribute to the blog today!

We took it easy today and visited our friend James (who was at Queen's the same time as us) in his hometown of Burnham-on-Crouch, which is about an hour east of London by train. We arrived around noon and had some tea and biscuits at his parents' shop. Then we walked along the river and saw lots of boats. It's near the sea so we were happy to feel the sea air again. Also, it was nice to get out of the busyness of London and to the cleaner air. We happened to visit on market day so we passed a lot of stalls selling fruits, vegetables, fish and other stuff too.

We had fish and chips for lunch and at James' suggestion, we tried some curry sauce on fries, which was very good. It was really fun to catch up with James and to see where he was living now. We took the train back to London and had a pizza for dinner. Then, we went to a Tesco store to buy some candy to take home. We also got some "shrimp cocktail" chips. We thought it would be like the Asian prawn crackers but they were cocktail sauce flavoured instead of shrimp flavoured!

Tomorrow, we are going to meet with James in London and visit Greenwich Observatory / Prime Meridian and the Tower of London! We also already arranged tickets to see Kensington Palace and the London Eye on Thursday.

Monday, August 4, 2014

London Day 3: August 4, 2014

Henry is still feeling sick so Laura recounts our adventure to Harry Potter today.

This morning we woke up and ventured into the King Cross Harry Potter Store. We wanted to buy everything in the store, but we settled for a Hogwarts fridge magnet to add to our vast collection. We also walked by the area where you can take pictures of platform 9 and ¾, but we didn't stop because it had a very long line up. We will go back another day to get the picture, as our hotel is across the street.

King's Cross Harry Potter Store

We headed to another Tube station to catch a train to Leavesden. We picked up some sandwiches and fruits from Marks and Spencers on the way. We got to take a special Harry Potter themed double decker bus from the train station to the studio.

The Harry Potter exhibit was really really good, we probably spent three hours looking through everything. We saw behind the scenes videos, the actual costumes and wigs, and actual set and prop pieces. We also learned about a lot of small details the average person would never know about the movies. For example, did you know that the paintings inside of the Gryffindor common room are of all the old heads of the house, and the there is a painting of a young Professor McGonagall? Now we do!

 The door to the Chamber of Secrets - Harry Potter Studio Tour
(The snakes can really move!)

After the Harry Potter exhibit we took the train back to London and headed to a well known scifi store to look around. Our British friend James (who we will visit with tomorrow), said this was the one I wanted to see, but I don't think it is. Either way it was really interesting to see a large scale sci fi/comic retail store. It was even two stories!

Finally we took the tube to Abbey Road, where the Beatles shot their famous Abbey Road photo. The famous cross walk is right outside the studio where they recorded the album. Henry was extremely surprised by the fact that the crosswalk was so small. I was surprised that no one was killed taking any pictures, as the road is very busy. We had to be super careful not to get hit by any cars.

Abbey Road

Not getting hit by cars seems to be a theme in London. The traffic is very confusing in London and no one stop for pedestrians. I also really dislike that everyone smokes, everywhere! Secondhand smoke makes both of us sick. I find it very strange that there are just garbage bags left in the streets. No trash cans or anything. I think it makes the city look more dirty than it really is.

I do however, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the British life style. There is no real drinking ages, and alcohol is free flowing. The tube network is also very vast and impressive.

We had dinner at a pub near Kings Cross. It was really good!

Tomorrow we are going to Burnham on Crouch to meet our good friend James in his home town. We are going to get the “real” British experience there.

We are having some camera connection and internet issues, so we can't post too many pictures. Maybe we can get some more up tomorrow.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

London Day 2: August 3, 2014

Laura continues to report on our adventure in London:

I think I am mostly adjusted to the new time zone now, except for a little confusion at 1am. Leaving LA at night and arriving in the evening (so I can sleep almost right away) made it a lot easier to switch. We started the day by going to a small cafe to grab “takeaway” pastries for breakfast. Then we made our way to a nearby shopping plaza to get Henry some cough medicine. We went into a Marks and Spencer and a Sainsbury. We took the tube to Buckingham Palace. It was shortly before the changing of the guards and it was extremely crowded. My personal bubble will never be the same again. We didn't get to see much over all the people, except for the guards marching in and out of the palace grounds.

We then went to get some lunch. I had the best croque monsieur ever! We walked backed to Buckingham and got tickets to go inside, but the next admission was not for another 2 hours. We walked over to Westminster Abbey. We didn't go inside yet, but we might later. Then we saw Elizabeth Tower/Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster (The Parliament). By the end of that we were both pretty tired and cranky. But we pushed though and walked back to Buckingham Palace. The tour was really neat, and so opulent. Probably not 19 pounds/34 American dollars per ticket neat. But I would do it again. I was in the freaking Queen's house today. We couldn't take pictures though.

After the tour Henry wanted to see Trafalgar Square. I didn't because I was so tired, but we went anyways. We headed back to the Kings Cross area for dinner and had some great curry.

Tomorrow it will be the Harry Potter day! Yay! So excited.  

Saturday, August 2, 2014

London Day 1: August 2, 2014

Laura is restarting our blog as we adventure through London!

I flew out of LAX at 10pm on Friday and arrived in London at 4:30pm local time. The flight was really interesting, as it was my first time flying with Virgin Atlantic. I didn't like the flight attendants' uniforms though. There was not a lot of leg room in an Airbus A340. The window seats were also a bit weird, since there is a giant gap between the window and the seat. It makes it hard for a short person like me to lean against the wall! There were screens for each seat but they were controlled a little remote instead of being touch screen.

I like that Virgin gives away a lot of free stuff. They gave me little care packages with toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, eye covers, and ear plugs. They also gave us thank you candy at the end of the flight. Dinner was a three course meal. I had curry, bread, salad, and pudding for desert. They also served yoghurt (which I didn't like) and a muffin for breakfast. The flight was really good, and had very little turbulence. Best of all, no one was seated next to me, so I got two seats! Yay!

When I got off the plane it was a 20 min walk through the terminal to passport control. The staff was efficient, but there were a lot of people so it took awhile. Henry met me on the other side with a bottle of water and a hug. Henry is a little sick with a cold. We made our way to the train, which takes you into London. The train was very nice, but hard to find and very confusing (luckily Henry already made all the mistakes last week). Then we took the Underground to Kings Cross. I have not seen anything Harry Potter yet lol.

We put our stuff in the hotel room, and ate fish and chips at a pub across from the hotel. When we got back to the hotel we showered and unpacked. Now to bed! I am so tired!

Tomorrow is probably going to be the super touristy day where we will see Buckingham Palace, etc.

Pictures will be included in future posts. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Engagement story

We're engaged! It happened on 22 September, 2010 which was also the autumnal equinox, yay! We wrote the story from both our points of view -- Laura's being the main plot and my story as "behind the scenes". My story ended up being much longer but to be fair, the proposal required a lot more work on my part!

Laura's Story:
I knew the proposal was coming soon. I just did not realize how soon! Henry and I had been talking about doing a civil ceremony in Ontario in Summer 2011 (in case we needed to be married for visa purposes) and then doing a wedding in BC in Summer 2012. This was until he comes up to me and says, “Maybe we should move the wedding up to Summer 2011, since in 2012 I will be finishing my masters and we will be moving!" I then exclaimed “2011… Oh my gosh! It takes a year to plan a wedding! I would only have 10 months! If you want to do that then propose to me so I can start planning!”

Henry decided he liked the idea of a summer 2011 wedding more and more. So he told me he would propose to me soon. One day as I had an opening shift at work, Henry had to go to the bank (across from my work). Since he knew I was at work and could not leave the store he took the opportunity to look at rings. I was aware he was doing this, and it became very obvious when he keep making surprise visits to my store to ask me questions about what type of rings I like. Since I did not know what he was talking about, he decided he would show me pictures of different ring types when I got home that night.

So that night after Henry showed me different types of rings he decided to go back to the mall because he wanted to take another look at what Ben Moss had. Since he was going out I sent him to pick up a few items (such as crackers). So when he came back from the store he told me he did not buy anything from Ben Moss. Which I assumed meant that he did not buy a ring anywhere. He worded it in a sneaky way!

Since I cannot stand surprises (I am the kid that opened all their x-mas gifts way before), he decided to try and drive me crazy. Henry told me that there was a hint to the ring, and he left it in the car. I figured it was just a business card or something silly but I could not resist finding out. I grabbed Henry's keys and went to the car, which I proceeded to tear apart. After awhile of not finding anything, I moved Henry away from the car and shut the doors (I was still inside). I then locked myself in the car, and dangled Henry’s car (and house) keys in front of him. I had to shake the keys three times before he figured out that I had him trapped! I was able to get the location of the surprise out of him (it was in a bag in the trunk). I opened it up and found a diamond warranty from People's. I was surprised since I did not think he got anything so soon.

We went back up stairs and I asked him when he would really propose. He told me very soon, which I figured would be in a week or something. Henry said he was feeling hungry and asked me to make him my special cheese and crackers (with the crackers he just bought). I joked with Henry and asked him “What did you do? Hide it in the cheese?” Then I go to open the cracker box and I see a weird grey thing in the crackers. I was thinking “What the hell is this thing in my crackers, did we get a bad box?” I pulled it out and it was a ring box. Then I went “oh my gosh” turned to my right and saw Henry down on one knee. He told me that he loved me and that we are so great together, then he asked me to marry him. I said “yes!”. Then I asked “wait a second did you actually want cheese and crackers? Are you hungry?” He said, “Nope”. I still cannot figure out how he got from his chair in the living room to on his knees beside me, without me seeing him.

I knew it was coming and Henry still managed to surprise me, which is the craziest part! I was completely off guard and it was very sweet.
Henry's Story:

At this point in our relationship, we had been together for 5 years (anniversary was last week) and we had both discussed where we wanted to go with our relationship. Obviously, we were serious and committed to each other or I would not have asked her to move all the way to Kingston with me! So while it was something we both knew was coming, my goal was to surprise her and/or give her a fun story to tell.

Finding a ring was pleasantly painless. It only took me several hours over two days to finish shopping since the only jewelers in Kingston were downtown and at the mall. With everything condensed in two places, it made my life a lot easier! I looked at a few places downtown after school on Tuesday but didn't really find anything that felt right.

On Wednesday, Laura had an early shift at the mall and I had an appointment at the bank to figure out my tax free savings account so she took me to the mall instead of school. After finishing at the bank, I spent the morning shopping for rings at the many jewelers in the mall. Laura knew what I was up to (it's hard to hide things when you live together and share a car!) but I didn't mind since she wouldn't know what I would eventually decide upon anyways. Over the next few hours, I went to each jeweler, described what I was looking for and picked one or two favourites from each. The jewelers were generally very nice (I guess it's their job!) and wrote my favourites on their business card so I could keep track of everything. One place was really pushy with their sales though -- I felt like I was listening to an infomerical!

Laura and I had set a budget before I left so I had some guidance in finding a ring. Within our budget, each ring was generally great in one aspect, good in others, and not-so-good in the rest. So I had to find out which aspects were important to me and Laura (ie. quality of gem vs. size, etc.) . After collecting cards from each place, with several different types of rings, I left to think them over.

Despite arriving at school just before lunch time (and then having lunch!), and despite being preoccupied with thoughts of the rings, I still managed a semi productive day at school. After finishing her shift, Laura picked me up from school and we went home. I wanted to find her a ring that she would love while still keeping her in the dark of the specific ring I would eventually buy, so I showed her some generic ring images from Google to find out her preferences. I kind of felt like an optometrist (which is better, one? or two?). In an attempt to be sneaky I threw in some "placebo" images of ring types that I didn't see.

After dinner, I thought about what I have seen and heard today and felt more overwhelmed than informed! But then as I flipped through the cards, I remember one ring I really liked and it matched Laura's preferences. However, I wanted to go back to Ben Moss (the first jeweler) since I didn't really know what to look for the first time. Also, we needed to buy some crackers for Laura's lunch the next day so I figured I would go take another look.

I made it to the mall an hour before closing and went back to Ben Moss. But I didn't see anything that "felt right". So I went back to People's and took another look at the ring I had in mind earlier. It was just like I remembered it! I actually wasn't planning on buying a ring that night (but wasn't planning not to either) but it felt like the right thing to do. I don't make many big decisions impulsively but I decided to buy the ring right then. It turns out that it wouldn't be my only impulsive decision that night! But actually, it was a pretty safe decision since there was a 100-day return policy.

As I left the mall, I felt pretty good since ring shopping was over! (It was kind of fun but very time consuming). Then I realised... d'oh, I don't have a am I going to bring the ring into the apartment without Laura realising what I had bought!! I decided to think it over while I bought the crackers (my original mission). My desperate backup plan was to drive to my office and lock the ring in my locking file cabinet. I figured that if no one knows where I hid it, it should be safe until the next morning. But I still wasn't comfortable with that. Luckily, when I bought the box of Breton crackers (and taco mix since it was on sale), I noticed, hmm it's width is approximately the same size as the ring box! When I got back to our building, I tested this theory while parked in the parkade.

It fitted perfectly! So I removed the bag of crackers from the box, put the ring box at the bottom, removed a handful of crackers from the bag and stuck the bag back on top. Perfect! I just hope Laura doesn't notice that the box had been opened. The ring box also came in a black bag that said PEOPLE'S in big letters and it came with the lifetime protection plan paperwork. I couldn't bring that in the apartment either! I decided to turn the bag inside out (so it just looks like a plain black bag), put the paperwork inside and left it in the trunk along with the other car-related stuff (flashlight, rags, etc.). My plan was to pick that up the next morning before heading to school and then hiding it in my office.

So with the ring safely inside the crackers, and all evidence hidden, I went up to our apartment hoping Laura won't notice the cracker box had been opened. Luckily she was on the phone with her mom so it was easy to stick the crackers quickly in the cupboard. Now all I had to do was keep quiet and take the ring out of the cracker box in the morning when I left for school (while Laura was still asleep).

But I couldn't keep completely quiet -- I decided to tease/torture her a bit and said that there is a hint to whether I bought any rings in the car if she looked carefully enough. She went down to the garage with me when I took down the garbage and looked in the car. She overlooked the bag for awhile as it was with the "car stuff" but she eventually forced me to tell her that it was somewhere in the trunk (see her story above). I had originally planned for her to find the bag/paperwork so she knew I did have a ring. But we were having a lot of fun with the "scavenger hunt" that it just felt like the right night to propose. Two major impulsive decisions in one night!

So after she found the "hint", she was really excited and we went back upstairs. My plan was working -- it felt like the big adventure of the night was finding that paperwork and her knowing that I've gotten a ring from People's. I then asked her to make us some cheese and crackers as a snack to celebrate her scavenger hunt success. I was extremely nervous as she got the ingredients -- what if she doesn't find the ring! When she opened the box from the bottom end, I was about to panic! (I thought she would open it from the top, remove the bag of crackers and see the ring box). Luckily it still worked because she opened the bottom and found a grey box, and in that moment of confusion, I was able to get down on one knee and ask the question! She was so surprised!! And she said yes! Mission Accomplished!