Saturday, August 2, 2014

London Day 1: August 2, 2014

Laura is restarting our blog as we adventure through London!

I flew out of LAX at 10pm on Friday and arrived in London at 4:30pm local time. The flight was really interesting, as it was my first time flying with Virgin Atlantic. I didn't like the flight attendants' uniforms though. There was not a lot of leg room in an Airbus A340. The window seats were also a bit weird, since there is a giant gap between the window and the seat. It makes it hard for a short person like me to lean against the wall! There were screens for each seat but they were controlled a little remote instead of being touch screen.

I like that Virgin gives away a lot of free stuff. They gave me little care packages with toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, eye covers, and ear plugs. They also gave us thank you candy at the end of the flight. Dinner was a three course meal. I had curry, bread, salad, and pudding for desert. They also served yoghurt (which I didn't like) and a muffin for breakfast. The flight was really good, and had very little turbulence. Best of all, no one was seated next to me, so I got two seats! Yay!

When I got off the plane it was a 20 min walk through the terminal to passport control. The staff was efficient, but there were a lot of people so it took awhile. Henry met me on the other side with a bottle of water and a hug. Henry is a little sick with a cold. We made our way to the train, which takes you into London. The train was very nice, but hard to find and very confusing (luckily Henry already made all the mistakes last week). Then we took the Underground to Kings Cross. I have not seen anything Harry Potter yet lol.

We put our stuff in the hotel room, and ate fish and chips at a pub across from the hotel. When we got back to the hotel we showered and unpacked. Now to bed! I am so tired!

Tomorrow is probably going to be the super touristy day where we will see Buckingham Palace, etc.

Pictures will be included in future posts. 

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