Monday, August 4, 2014

London Day 3: August 4, 2014

Henry is still feeling sick so Laura recounts our adventure to Harry Potter today.

This morning we woke up and ventured into the King Cross Harry Potter Store. We wanted to buy everything in the store, but we settled for a Hogwarts fridge magnet to add to our vast collection. We also walked by the area where you can take pictures of platform 9 and ¾, but we didn't stop because it had a very long line up. We will go back another day to get the picture, as our hotel is across the street.

King's Cross Harry Potter Store

We headed to another Tube station to catch a train to Leavesden. We picked up some sandwiches and fruits from Marks and Spencers on the way. We got to take a special Harry Potter themed double decker bus from the train station to the studio.

The Harry Potter exhibit was really really good, we probably spent three hours looking through everything. We saw behind the scenes videos, the actual costumes and wigs, and actual set and prop pieces. We also learned about a lot of small details the average person would never know about the movies. For example, did you know that the paintings inside of the Gryffindor common room are of all the old heads of the house, and the there is a painting of a young Professor McGonagall? Now we do!

 The door to the Chamber of Secrets - Harry Potter Studio Tour
(The snakes can really move!)

After the Harry Potter exhibit we took the train back to London and headed to a well known scifi store to look around. Our British friend James (who we will visit with tomorrow), said this was the one I wanted to see, but I don't think it is. Either way it was really interesting to see a large scale sci fi/comic retail store. It was even two stories!

Finally we took the tube to Abbey Road, where the Beatles shot their famous Abbey Road photo. The famous cross walk is right outside the studio where they recorded the album. Henry was extremely surprised by the fact that the crosswalk was so small. I was surprised that no one was killed taking any pictures, as the road is very busy. We had to be super careful not to get hit by any cars.

Abbey Road

Not getting hit by cars seems to be a theme in London. The traffic is very confusing in London and no one stop for pedestrians. I also really dislike that everyone smokes, everywhere! Secondhand smoke makes both of us sick. I find it very strange that there are just garbage bags left in the streets. No trash cans or anything. I think it makes the city look more dirty than it really is.

I do however, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the British life style. There is no real drinking ages, and alcohol is free flowing. The tube network is also very vast and impressive.

We had dinner at a pub near Kings Cross. It was really good!

Tomorrow we are going to Burnham on Crouch to meet our good friend James in his home town. We are going to get the “real” British experience there.

We are having some camera connection and internet issues, so we can't post too many pictures. Maybe we can get some more up tomorrow.

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