Sunday, August 3, 2014

London Day 2: August 3, 2014

Laura continues to report on our adventure in London:

I think I am mostly adjusted to the new time zone now, except for a little confusion at 1am. Leaving LA at night and arriving in the evening (so I can sleep almost right away) made it a lot easier to switch. We started the day by going to a small cafe to grab “takeaway” pastries for breakfast. Then we made our way to a nearby shopping plaza to get Henry some cough medicine. We went into a Marks and Spencer and a Sainsbury. We took the tube to Buckingham Palace. It was shortly before the changing of the guards and it was extremely crowded. My personal bubble will never be the same again. We didn't get to see much over all the people, except for the guards marching in and out of the palace grounds.

We then went to get some lunch. I had the best croque monsieur ever! We walked backed to Buckingham and got tickets to go inside, but the next admission was not for another 2 hours. We walked over to Westminster Abbey. We didn't go inside yet, but we might later. Then we saw Elizabeth Tower/Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster (The Parliament). By the end of that we were both pretty tired and cranky. But we pushed though and walked back to Buckingham Palace. The tour was really neat, and so opulent. Probably not 19 pounds/34 American dollars per ticket neat. But I would do it again. I was in the freaking Queen's house today. We couldn't take pictures though.

After the tour Henry wanted to see Trafalgar Square. I didn't because I was so tired, but we went anyways. We headed back to the Kings Cross area for dinner and had some great curry.

Tomorrow it will be the Harry Potter day! Yay! So excited.  

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