Wednesday, August 6, 2014

London Day 5: August 6, 2014

Today, we got up early to get to "Platform 9 3/4" at King's Cross. We arrived around 8:30am so there was only a very short line and we got our pictures taken :) You can choose the scarf for your house affiliation and we were the first two Hufflepuffs of the day! It sounds like very few people wear the Hufflepuff or Slytherin scarves :P Everyone is a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw! The staff at the nearby Platform 9 3/4 will help make it appear as if your scarf is flowing and they will take a picture for you to purchase as well as help you take your own for free.

Then we met up with James again, who traveled from Burnham-on-Crouch to spend a day in London with us. We first went to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich which was really cool. We took a picture on a labeled part of the Prime Meridian, which was cool, even though we crossed it several times just to get to the Observatory!

 Thanks to James for the photo!

Next, we had lunch at a fake French cafe and visited the Tower of London. It was extremely crowded so it was hard to see very many things. I learned some things about British money and we saw the legendary ravens! The legend is that if the ravens leave, the Tower would fall and London with it. The ravens' wings are clipped and they are sometimes caged though :( We also thought the Tower of London was just a tower! But it turns out to be a whole fort, silly us. 

We then walked across the Tower Bridge before heading to the British Museum just before it closed to see the Rosetta Stone and other cool things like a bunch of mummies and a statute from Easter Island.

It was very fun to adventure around London with James! Thank you James. We parted ways before dinner so James could get back to Burnham-on-Crouch. Laura and I tried a Northern Indian place closer to where we were staying and it was very good. 

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