Tuesday, August 5, 2014

London Day 4: August 5, 2014

Henry is feeling better and can contribute to the blog today!

We took it easy today and visited our friend James (who was at Queen's the same time as us) in his hometown of Burnham-on-Crouch, which is about an hour east of London by train. We arrived around noon and had some tea and biscuits at his parents' shop. Then we walked along the river and saw lots of boats. It's near the sea so we were happy to feel the sea air again. Also, it was nice to get out of the busyness of London and to the cleaner air. We happened to visit on market day so we passed a lot of stalls selling fruits, vegetables, fish and other stuff too.

We had fish and chips for lunch and at James' suggestion, we tried some curry sauce on fries, which was very good. It was really fun to catch up with James and to see where he was living now. We took the train back to London and had a pizza for dinner. Then, we went to a Tesco store to buy some candy to take home. We also got some "shrimp cocktail" chips. We thought it would be like the Asian prawn crackers but they were cocktail sauce flavoured instead of shrimp flavoured!

Tomorrow, we are going to meet with James in London and visit Greenwich Observatory / Prime Meridian and the Tower of London! We also already arranged tickets to see Kensington Palace and the London Eye on Thursday.

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